
Sunday, 27 January 2013

mira sightings

hey jammers, this is a quick post about mira sightings and im sure many of you have seen them!

here is mira's staute in jamaa township  (everyone knows that) 

maybe that's mira..?

and i also found her next to brady barr's 

and the flame of her in sarepia forest

Ok jammers is you saw mira in other places please comment!!!
and plus i love comments :)


  1. I.. think... mira can be seen.. -nope. I don't got a clue

  2. WOAH!! I never noticed that Mira on the Chamber of Knowledge! Cool! And yeah, that bird might be Mira...?

  3. There is a Blanket, rug, or whatever that features Mira in the Chamber of Knowledge

  4. Actually, the bird thats flying is a falcon. It is part of the Journey Book.


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