
Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Lion hats

Hey jammers! only 8 more follows till the party! Anyway today's returning item is the lion hat!

I didn't even notice these item going away ^.^
well im glad there back! ^-^
Anyway here is AJHQ's latest post on the rare item

i was surprised when i saw the image ^.^ the first
RIM item image on a animal! wait is that a boy arctic wolf
wearing girls clothes? O.O
Anyway here is where i think the new lands are going to be
in the new map!

Quite a few ^.^ What do you think they will be like?
What do you think they will be named?
Jam on!



  1. Pawsome! I think Lands will be the arctic ocean i can only think Of that One

  2. I didn't even know lion hats were gone LOL

  3. Great info! I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have.


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