
Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Phantom cage

Hey jammers! today's a earlier post.. :P Anyway the new item is sold at the adventure base camp!

The caged phantom! ^.^ similar to the phantom coop..
Anyone notice a pattern here? the phantom coop and cage are similar
except one is metal and the other wood. same with the cart and lockbox,
maybe there will be a metal version of the pen? ^-^
Moving on, i managed to get to the birthday parteh

oh wait.. its the same cake in ice-cream land :P 
Except its purple. What flavor should it be?
 I think blackberry suits it well :D And the shop is here
 where the bronze shaman statues are sold..

So, the party is pretty much the same but it's epic as always!
:D what do you think? ^.^
Happy jamming!


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