
Monday, 30 December 2013

Butterfly Wings

Hey jammers! today's rare is the Rare Butterfly wings!
*throws confetti everywhere*
I love the colors, purple and dark blue match perfectly. ^.^
The price is pretty good too, its nice to see that AJHQ is making new nonmember items after so 
many member items. ^_^ If anyone needs one, i have 8 of them. :3
Meanwhile, i finally went to the New Years party earlier!
If you click this, which is next to the slide, you'll get a lollypop! c:
Also, if you click this cake which is found somewhere near the clothing shop, you will get some free cake. C:
Fireworks! :3
More fireworks!
An aurora. :3
Really deep snow!
(i dunno why is appears all brownish.. o-o)
And the place where you get frosty. ^.^
Random other ice fortress! XD
Slides! :D
 Now for the Weekly Question:
What other cool new items should be should in Outback Imports?
Feel free to comment your idea, and Happy Early New Year! :P

Sunday, 29 December 2013


Hey jammers! I never thought i would do this, but i put comment moderation up because of the number of comments with swear words i have been getting recently.
So if your gonna swear, there really is no point of it.
And if your comment doesn't show up, its probably because it hasn't been approved yet, it will show up though once its approved. ^.^ I might cancel moderation if that person stops swearing. Meanwhile, today's members-only (*sob*) item is the Snowboard!
I wish today's item had been nonmember..;-;
Oh well, i guess its a pretty cool item, perfect for winter! :3
The color opinions are also great. ^-^
Don't you think AJHQ should make a nonmember Snowboard/skateboard?
Anyway, here is a post on the Daily Explorer about birthstones!
Hmm, i wonder if the birthstones will be out next year? ^.^
Which reminds me, the New Year party is out! c:
Credit to the Animal Jam Spirit
Lets have a look at the items!
Credit to the Animal Jam Spirit
Whoa, Freedom wings? o.o
Hmm, i have one but im not very angry that they came out, in fact, im quite pleased
that nonmembers can buy Freedom Wings again. ^_^
What do you think? Good? Bad? Ok?
Now, there's also a music shop. ^.^
Credit to the Animal Jam Spirit
And of course, the 2014 items!
Credit to the Animal Jam Spirit
Cool! :3
By the way, i might and probably will do a contest for 50 (well, 51 actually) followers! :D
Happy jamming! ^^

Saturday, 28 December 2013

Snow Shovel

Hey jammers! I had some amazing answers from yesterday's Weekly Question. Do you think i should put the answers on my posts? ^-^ Today's new item is the Snow Shovel.
Yay! :D
 Its new and nonmember!!!
It has been like, months since there was a NEW nonmember item. 
Anyway, i guess its a pretty cool item. ^.^ I like it for some reason. :P
I think AJHQ should make something similar to the Snowy Paw Prints, but maybe like a nonmember version to go with it? ^_^
Meanwhile, there seems to be a new News Crew article going on!
Seems cool! :) 
I might enter even though i know im not gonna win.
Now, don't you think The Claw has...err.....changed..?
It looks a bit..different..
I guess it looks more colorful.
Happy jamming!

Friday, 27 December 2013

Deer antlers

Hey jammers!
Im REALLY sorry that you had to see that.
Anonymous, please stop these immature and rude comments.
Anyway, today's new item is the Deer Antlers which go perfectly with Deer fur. ^.^
It seems like AJHQ listened to my idea. :P
ORR they have the special power to read minds. xD
I still prefer the original antlers, but these still look pretty cool on animals. :3 What other type of antlers/horns do you think AJHQ should do? ^_^
Now, here's the winners of the Jammer snaps!
 There was a jammer snaps competition? o.o
Aww, i wish i had entered. DX Congrats to those who won! :) Meanwhile, i decided to do something called the Weekly Question on my blog. :)
Here's this week's one:
What's your favorite place in Jamaa?
 Happy jamming! ^-^
P.S I finally got AJ Jump! :D Yay!

Thursday, 26 December 2013

Deer Fur

Hey jammers! I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas. ^.^
Today's new item is the Deer Fur! :3
First i was like: Isn't hunting animals for fur illegal?  o-o
But then i noticed it was a neck item for Deer, quite neat actually.
It looks odd on other animals, but i guess this item was designed for deer. :3
Perfect if your going to be a male deer. ^.^  Maybe that's why antlers looks so good with it. :P
Which reminds me, wouldn't it be cool if AJHQ made different antler types? Like moose antlers would be big and broad, etc.
Here are some pawsome featured drawings on the Daily Explorer!
Very nice and cute drawings. :3
Meanwhile, here's a little thing i noticed in the flag shop..
 In that window, there seems to be a great view of Big Ben! :O
But there is no Big Ben nor a clock tower in Jamaa..
Its a nice thing to add anyway. :P
Happy jamming!

Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Giant Candy Cane

Hey jammers! Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it! :D
Which reminds me, we can finally open the 25th gift! :3
*opens the gift hurriedly*
*sighs, dissapointed*
I thought it would have been diamonds! D:
At least its kinda useful..
Meanwhile, today's gift is the Giant Candy Cane sold in Jam Mart Furniture!
Quite a nice and decorative item. ^.^
Good thing it's cheap and nonmember. :3
And also, here's a post on the Daily Explorer!
Cool, i never knew females could grow antlers too. C:
Sorry for the uninteresting post, i don't have much time right now. >.<
Happy jamming!

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Candy Cane Tie

Hey jammers! Today's gift is a new one, (yay!) the candy cane tie!
It looks so yummy....*licks tie*
Just kidding. :P
Anyway, Its not really for me since im a girl, but i reckon its a cool boys item. :P
It looks nice on wolves! ^.^ Oh, and im really excited because of the 25th gift tomorrow, which reminds me that Christmas is also tomorrow. C:
Meanwhile, today's returning item is the paw candy!
Cute. ^.^
It looks great on walls, you could make a paw candy wall with these! :D
So i guess nonmembers can make a new wallpaper for their dens. ^.^
It also looks pawsome in any den! ^-^
And of course, the Rare item Monday post.
 That does look very good on deers.
its good that AJHQ is writing different things depending on the rare now. :D
But the weird thing is, here's how the post looked like a few hours ago. o-o

AJHQ removed it, but it makes my wonder if there wil be a rare hat & beard.
What do you think? :3
Now here's a safety warning thing i made for Kinyonga. :)
Im not sure if your supposed to make an image or just tell the idea. :P
So i did both. :P
Happy jamming!

Monday, 23 December 2013

Bow and arrows?

Hey jammers! Today's gift is yet, another returning one but a nice one. :P
Bows and Arrows! ^.^
I guess the people who wanted bows can wear them now. C:
I remember the first time i joined AJ and got a bow, everyone was like wearing it. o.o
Im gonna get some of my storage's on and make a bow and arrow collection. >:3
Meanwhile, today's rare is the Rare Hood With Feather! 
 Ooh, interesting pattern on the feather. :3
I like the original one better though. :P I have a feeling
that feather is based on a bird..
Here's a post on the Daily Explorer!
Cool. I never knew it was first found in Turkey.
Well, you learn something new everyday i guess. :P
And about this part:
"We wounder if owning this stone will help you in your adventures?"
 The first thing that came to my mind was birthstone amulets to wear in the adventures. XD
But if there really where birthstone amulets in Jamaa, i reckon is would be cool. :3
Jam on!

Sunday, 22 December 2013

Gift Pile

Hey jammers! Today's new/returning item is the Gift pile. :)
It looks fantastic under Jamaaliday trees. :3 It also looks great anywhere in
my opinion. ^.^ We should be able to change the colors though. D:
And its a bit sad that its not nonmember. ;-; Oh well, at least nonmembers get the Gift bag. C: which is today's gift. :P
Credit to Kinyonga, the invisible item glitch is back for me again. >.<
I wish we could open the gifts. :P
Meanwhile, i have been feeling that not many people have been in the Cosmo's den,
so that's why i will be giving a tour of the den. ^-^
Here's the garden-it looks similar to the Enchanted Hollow den but a bit darker. I think the
garden looks pawsome! :D I can't wait until i get a Cosmo's den. C:
 Such a wonderful place to view birthstones. ^.^

Upstairs! :D
And a lovely, clean pond. ^_^ By the way, that wolf next to me is my
buddy, yeoh123. :3 And also, the 2014 jam-a-gram seems to be out!
I love that Jam-a-gram. ^-^ But anyone notice how to says happy new yearS?
Isn't it supposed to be Happy New yeaR? o.o
Anyway, that's all for today jammers.
Happy jamming!