
Thursday, 26 December 2013

Deer Fur

Hey jammers! I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas. ^.^
Today's new item is the Deer Fur! :3
First i was like: Isn't hunting animals for fur illegal?  o-o
But then i noticed it was a neck item for Deer, quite neat actually.
It looks odd on other animals, but i guess this item was designed for deer. :3
Perfect if your going to be a male deer. ^.^  Maybe that's why antlers looks so good with it. :P
Which reminds me, wouldn't it be cool if AJHQ made different antler types? Like moose antlers would be big and broad, etc.
Here are some pawsome featured drawings on the Daily Explorer!
Very nice and cute drawings. :3
Meanwhile, here's a little thing i noticed in the flag shop..
 In that window, there seems to be a great view of Big Ben! :O
But there is no Big Ben nor a clock tower in Jamaa..
Its a nice thing to add anyway. :P
Happy jamming!


  1. second LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  2. What if AJ was in London XD


  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Don't say that and I'm not that I read prayers every night and you know better then saying that.

    2. Oh ma Zios!!!! Please don't say stuff like that on this blog!! Cloudy, please make dat comment go away it makes my eyes hurt. >.<

    3. Im sorry about that, when AJ updates, its about 6:00PM in my time and when the first comments usually start coming, its 10:00 PM. And im usually in bed in about that time, im so sorry about that. I know i will have to find a solution with this. I don't want this blog turning into one full of drama, and again im so sorry you add to saw all that. :,(

    4. Thank you for getting rid of that! That was a horrible thing to say!! You should be ashamed, Anonymous!!!!!

    5. why does he/she have to make rude comments on every jammer's blog???!?!?!??!??!?!?? I Feel VERYsorry for you cloud
      ~Mistybreeze472 (sister of littlesnowyclaw123)

  4. The anonymous up there um cloud MAKE DAT GONE I READ THAT AND I'M A KID.

  5. Um what the.... the anonymous up there that's saying bad words... I bet snowyclaw would block that comment right away and I'm a kid and he's trying to be funny thinking he'll get away with it but he won't ;) ~iluvbunnies96010

    1. um........... ths isn't snowyclaw's blog. But she would take THAT off her blog. i mean im not the faith its just that snowyclaw would DEFINTLY NOT let that on her blog. I think that CloudClaw should like take that off her blog. It's not very nice to say stuff like that.

    2. I would take off these comments too, please understand about how my timezone works! :(

    3. Ok cloud and I understand and I meant cloud claw sorry ;-; well I think that kid was like 5/4 yrs old and I bet he ACCTUALLY likes this blog but wants to do something funny, but it's not its really mean! And that guy I just was about to comment and saw it and I literally screamed really loud. O.O but cloud your still great! :3 happy jamming cloud and I hope this doesn't happen again :'( ~sparkle08732

  6. WAIT WUT!!!!!!!!!! LOL im sorry i didn't realize you were cloud claw ummmmmm you REALLY NEED to take that off sericly. that is just wrong. GET IT OFF i mean

  7. i've seen big ben ^.^

  8. If anyone could send my sis a bow any color she couldn't get on there thanks her user is turtle12399. ^.^

  9. And this is my aunt account she hardly uses it so she let mA use it :3

  10. Btw cloud sorry I have so many comments but can I be part of your blog? I think your really cool and I wanna be a part of it ^.^~sparkle08732
    Happy jamming!

  11. Hey cloud, if it's possible, it would be great if you told me how many views your blog has! It should get more!


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