
Tuesday, 21 January 2014


Hey jammers! Today's post was originally not going to be an update post, but today's item was too cool to resist. :P
The tall pine tree, sold in Jam-Mart furniture! ^.^
I really like this item, its so decorative in an Ice Fort Den. :) Perhaps a Small Pine Tree and a Large Pine Tree will come soon, then we'll be able to make a pine forest! :D
I like how you can change the pattern of snow on the tree, too. ^-^

Real post:
In my opinion, i think AJHQ is being a bit too unfair to nonmembers these days.
There seems to be not much new nonmember items, Sure, you might say we have to be graceful to what AJHQ gives to nonmembers. I mean, they made hamsters nonmember, Meet Cosmo nonmember and turtles nonmember too, right?
AJ is still pretty fair compared to Club penguin, but i have an uncomfortable feeling that AJHQ is slowly turning into CP. Nonmembembers can't view chat history anymore, and way too much member items are being made, AJHQ is just taking, not giving.
Look, now im not saying member should just vanish to nowhere, we need both nonmembers and members to keep the game going!
Once again, we should all be glad for what nonmembers have, but what if Jamaa becomes like most other virtual worlds? I just feel like we have to do something, to prevent it from becoming like the others. Now, im not sure if this will become a movement now, perhaps it will but if you agree, there is one thing you could do.
 The purple question marks!
They're all over Jamaa, find them, and type your opinions!
Some people might not agree, thats alright, but i think we have to do something before its too late.


  1. Today's item is cool and I tots agree


  2. second :D


    1. 4 my real comment, i think cloudclaw is right. I mean i heard that club pengin is unfair (REALLY) so animal jam i getting worse everyday. At the same time giving nonmembers, they'e taking away. Well............... i though that the tree was cool. -CMO1st

  3. Yeah... WAY too much member stuff has been made latley. The last all-jammer item was... The snow shovel! That was weeks ago!

  4. I AM GOING TO TELL AJHQ IN THE ? MARKS TO GET SOME NON MEMBER ITEMS! I WILL SAY: Aj can you make more items for non members and if the feather is an animal can it be for all jammers?


    1. Ok i am going to say PLEASE GET NON MEMBER ITEMS so i sound nicer to them 030


  5. AJHQ is always making all-Jammer items. It's just that every year they start out with a flow of member-only items, and I've noticed that last year. They're not being fair. Nonmembers should be happy for what they have. And I'm a nonmember if you're wondering, because I know people will bash on me for supporting members.

  6. I agree! It's getting worse... D:

  7. Cloudclaws is right!! We nonmmembers and members can't just sit here and do nothing!!!!!!! There has to be something we can do about animal jam from beomeing a club pengin!!!!!!!

  8. Cloudclaws, how do we stick up for the nonmembers? I mean I'm a nonmember, but I don't know what to do! I agree with Meowcats1228 though.




    1. I'm at school at 9:00 am. I know, my school starts insanely early. Also, thanks to hemispheres, you 9:00 am might not be my 9:00 am... Other thank that It's a great idea.

    2. YA!!!!! whens the parade

    3. You think 9 a.m. is insanely early ? Try waking up at five plus in the morning to reach school before 7. 15 a.m.

  10. it was like months since the last non member item. There has to be at least 1 clothes and 1 furniture for non member each week

  11. I Agree Web Parrot, but Remember Members Paid Real Money on AJ and I Also think it Wouldn't be Fair for NMs to do or have all Members Do. Still I am 50-50% Agreed on That though

  12. cp is unfair but i play it as they offer mships in my currency so i buy them and aj is badder than it cuz they dont offer mship in different currencies (1 month mships) as 1 month ones are cheap and can be bought in a cheap price. and aj is getting unfair totally.
    no mships in new currencies no non member thingys. whenever i email them bout mship in dif curencies its alway the same idea typo. i even said for a new nm dimaond shop animal but still the idea typo. as they said to do i did put in purple button still. i wish eagles be nm

  13. cloudclaws is right! also, the eagles are members only! and it is not just the eagles! it is everything to do with birds!


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