
Saturday, 18 January 2014

Snow Trail Shoes

Hey jammers! The raffle winner was...
*Gets Random Number Generator, gets 4 as a result*
Rockytop2! :D Congrats! You got closest to 4. :) Today's new item is the Snow Trail Shoes. ^.^
I have always found this type of Snow Trails weird, how are they supposed to fit on your paws? o-o
I wounder how it looks like on your animals though... :P
Meanwhile, here's a great post on the Daily Explorer. ^_^
I would love to make an gaming party, but my inventory slots are full. >.<
Who agrees members should have at least 600 slots and nonmembers 500 slots?
And the end of the post is basically telling you to become a member..:c
Now for this week's Weekly Question!
What's your favorite part about Jamaa?
The mini games? Adventures? And not just what you like doing most, other stuff.
What do like about Animal jam that makes it unique?
P.S: Please enter my contest, only 7 more days to go!


  1. Yes! 7 never fails me! (Except for the occasional time it does.)

    1. *gives a gummy bear packet*
      Congrats. :P

  2. My favorite part about jamaa is chating,and making things in my den like hotel,theater,and skiing lodge. Those are some things i made and am making.I NEED MORE SPACES.For me i really need the spaces because i do lots of events and i hate deleting items because they always affect my event dens.

    1. Me too, i really hate deleting items too. >.<
      We honestly need more Buddy slots and inventory slots...

  3. I love how aj makes new animals

  4. I wish I was a member so that I could get the ice fort and the new animal..


  5. my favorite thing on aj is hanging out with mah buddies :D and just as a bonus, my least favorite is adoption.. one day im gonna follow a baby and a mother to find out what these so called pesky bunnies do

  6. I can't find the snow trail shoes DX

    1. They are in the Mt Shiveer shop. ^.^

  7. cloudclaws! I discovered how to break phantom webs easier! if you have a pirate sword, click the phantom web and it will break in just 3 or more clicks! i dunno for member swords but this i am 100% positive. my bff tootyfafa saw it too trust me cloud!
    ~Mistybreeze472 (just discovered it now.)

    1. Yes, i already know, it works with gloves and member swords too. :)


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