
Friday, 16 May 2014

Forgotten Desert Prizes!

Hey everyone! :D
Are you wondering what prizes you can get from the Forgotten Desert? Well, you have come to the right place.
You can receive pretty much anything, from Rare Spikes to Monday rares. ^.^
You can even receive brand new items that aren't in shops yet, like Veiled Hats and Long Bows.
Credit to the Animal Jam Spirit Blog.
The long bow is really neat! C:
 However, i like the original bows better because they just seem more creative, maybe its all the gears and other details. ^_^
Do you think these items will come out in shops soon? And which bow and arrow is your favorite, the long ones or the original? :D
Oh, and you can also get RIM's!
Credit to Snowyclaw.
And you can even get Beta Den items!
You know, i actually got a Cami's frog an hour ago or so from the adventures ... I was really excited and happy! :D
I had ALWAYs wanted a Cami's frog. c:
However, this also means that Cami's frogs are also less rare now, so some might be upset. ;-;
So jammers, what do you think about these prizes? Have you got any other prize? Are you upset, or are you happy??
Feel free to share them all in the comments!
That's all for now, see ya'll tomorrow. ^.^


  1. I love all the new items! I have done the adventure many times now, and I have a bunch of new stuff. I even got some rare gazelle horns! Then I realized how weird the look on certain animals. XD

    1. Ikr i hate the way they look on seals. (So weird)

    2. and on loins..................... lol I am not a fan that non rare gazzels came back in stores though

    3. Same.. -shiver- Eughh..

  2. @Owlzzz,
    Good job on getting rare gazelle horns! :D
    I remember on my first time doing it.. all i got was blue wings and a bue brain helmet. o_o
    Well, at least AJHQ got my favorite color right. :P

    1. Cloudclaws:
      I got a spike wrist ( short blue ) on my first adventure so it is possible to get spikes on the adventure for those who are wondering.

  3. I saw someone with a horse coin! It was rotating and it was so weird, but at least it was non-member. I have no idea where they got that coin, but it was probably from the adventures! It's too bad I didn't screenshot it, though. Darn. XD

  4. @EtherealComet,
    Wow, that must have been weird. o.o
    Some items from the adventures are quite strange, aren't they?

  5. I got a beard and 2 rare Viking helmets from there!!!!

  6. is it even possible to do it alone? last time i tried it was impossible for meh (probably cause i had some epic anime music on >.<).


    1. It is possible; just very hard and unlikely. You can't really get distracted when doing it alone, so that means NO ANIME MUSIC! xD

  7. I love the fact that the items are available to win now!
    It means;
    1.Less scams!
    2.People dont treat other by there rarities! extinct items!
    I just think its WAY better, and this is coming from me twinkleninja the person with rare spiked wristband! XD so anyways, the new adventure is great, prizes are cool to! One more tip, you shouldn't get upset about the rarities on some items dropping!
    Best wishes,

  8. OMG thanks so much!!!!!!! i got a headdress and a munch of other rares from the eagle adventure :D


    1. A rare headdress or a non rare?????

  9. I totally agree with that comment before me about the rares/betas in the adventure. Also, it's difficult to get the very rares; like spikes, gazz, pigtails, so they are still kinda worth something. I think they still have their value but with more around. This is a great way for AJHQ bringing betas/rares back! (Wait, does this comment even make sense? Oh well. XD)

    I got a rare demon mask (green) and a gecko plushie (orange). Nothing compared to the prized peeps got above. Ahem, gazelles and headdresses. I got kinda happy though. I don't how I'll react if I win a spike, headdress, or gazelles. (my dream items) probably be thanking AJHQ or something odd. XD

  10. Omg I got peach gazelle horns on this :o


  11. My answer? Very very angry.
    This adventure to me seems like Animal Jam doesn't care about non-members. This is just an adventure that gives out rares and betas to every member who has an eagle carelessly. I do know that members pay, but in my point of view as a non-member I think that AJHQ just think we're little annoying rookies -.-

    1. i think that to aj user gnocci00

  12. I like the eagle adventure. What about the members with no cool items...? They could just get them! And this means not many scams and bad-talk

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I totally agree with Hannah Zhang. It is SOO not fair members get all of these super cool items, while non members are aloud to do what, 4 adventures?? I am a member, but that doesn't mean I have a member's point of view :3

  15. OMG i won the longbow, then the next thing i know it's not even in my invantory... plz help meh!!! 030

  16. i got a beard lol

  17. I'm happy, I don't think these items are that devalued by the adventure, so it's not as bad as the diamond shop, and I love the excitement of rares but I think people may be getting a bit to greedy about these pixles, you know?

  18. I got:

    Open Sign
    Rare Party Hat (yellow)
    Arctic Hood
    Scary horns
    Raspberry rare bow (Rarest color ^-^)
    Long bow ( Second favorite prize beside open sign)
    Brown and orange nm swords
    Creature mask
    4 spider masks o.O
    Pigtails (Brown, think it's unreleased)
    Eyeball hat (I think it's unreleased, it's all purple)
    Rare pink bow
    Moon Hat

    Those are just a few! I love this adventure but I think eagles should be for everyone. I mean, non members deserve awesome stuff like this too, right? Even if most of the items are member, they can trade them for nonmember betas. That's pretty much the only flaw in my opinion. It's fun and gives awesome prizes!

    Happy Jamming!

    1. if the eyeball hat is Non Rare its not beta cause thats a color in the halloween party

    2. Yeah nms deserve a cool "nm version" where it's nm items only, and can be accessed by nm animals.

    3. that is a lot of good stuff

  19. I'm wondering... since you can get just about everything in The Forgotten Desert now, does that mean everything is just about the same rarity or it's the system before, except it's just easier to obtain the items?

    1. to members but ya kinda

    2. Pretty much just easier to obtain the items. I've tried getting good stuff on the forgotten desert and it's not like it's a great chance of getting something good anyway.

  20. could someone trade me a longbow? i know i'm nm but still. i'll trade black nm sword and any 3 of the items listed below:

    Black lion plush
    Black arctic wolf plush
    Orange arctic wolf plush
    Yellow arctic wolf plush
    freedom bands
    freedom helmet

    my user is cutie19010, i am usually on 9:30 AM and 4:00-6:00 PM, UK times. I BEG OF YOU PLEASE TRADE

  21. is there a way to get a horse coin? if there is plz tell meh my username is ella77797 thx

  22. i got a beta floor, wallpaper, 2 rhinos and a robot

    i hate and love you animal jam! C:

  23. Could u plz trade me any of those things? My username is kittycat20139

  24. im none member and im kinda sad that aj wold not let nm be eqill to members my aj user is gnocci00

    1. Hey gnocci If you would like to get some of those items or get membership I would love to give you some and I swear I will give you the membership code and I will pay for it with the money from my job


  25. i wunt a long bow!!! :P

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I think I might like long bows better just if only nonmembers and non eagle owning members could play. But I am soon going to give away items I won from The Forgotten Desert

  28. I got a rare stone chair 😊

  29. I don't even know why I force myself to read things like this anymore.
    I don't have enough diamonds for an eagle and I really want to try this adventure myself DX

    1. I'm so sorry I wish you had an eagle my name is audrey9890 if you ever get an eagle we can both play together I know how to get a rare spike!

    2. i really want to know because my camis frog got scaled and i think a long or some may get me it my user is hannah9003

  30. Does anyone know if you can get things like the wacky signs on this adventure? If you can jamagram me i'm kittyklutz58.

  31. I got a headdress
    a feathered mask
    a party hat
    a fox hat, a beta fountain, a rare worn blanket and a rare spike collar!

    1. I wish I had one DX I'm audrey9890 by the way..


    1. Wow omg im jelly XD .o.

    2. Hi Bella! I'm Audrey9899!

  33. I got:
    Ice Mira statue,
    Blue vines,
    tan carpet,
    Yellow sweets,
    zios sculpture,
    bunch of rare spikes,
    long bow,
    gecko plushie,
    fox hat,
    and many more

  34. I got:
    Rare long black collar
    Red short collar
    Camis frog
    Porch swing
    Bubbletron 5000
    Red brick walls
    Spaceship grey
    Rare pigtails
    And yea just so you know you can earn rare spikes my user is bellehann if you want to join me on the adventures and non members notify me if you would like anything from the adventures that I will try to earn for you guys c:

    1. Hi can u gift me any color headdress? My dream color is pink and white. My second dream color is pink and purple.
      ~ audrey9890

  35. I got my rare headdress from this! :3

    1. Cool add me on aj and skype my user on skype is bella.blueaj
      Lets do the adventure together lol I will teach you a few secrets kk? ~♡Bella♡

    2. Can you add me Bella?

  36. I Got Two Wrists!!! XD

  37. the rarest item i got was a black and white top hat. meh.

  38. best items i got where:
    Beta robot
    Porch swing
    Mira statue
    2 Imprissoned phantoms ^^
    And more of den items.

    Rare spike short wrist (orange)
    party hat (orange 2) 0.o
    8 witch hats!!
    1 spider man mask (i like to call them that)
    1 headdress (rare) but then it was gone 0.o.0
    and WAY WAY WAY more....

  39. my usernamwe is nothenmoon and i got
    neon bow
    long yellow spike
    long purple spike
    long red wrist
    long bow
    arctic hood
    yellow sweets
    necklace ( so rare )
    and lots of awesome den betas!

  40. dareboy01 has one i am kendallbanana look me up and he is beta and way cooler then juliun 2 and he is way more beta he got the horse coin

  41. Hi, I got 2 long Collars from dis <3 VERY Cool Adventure

  42. Anyone tell meh how to geta spike on the forgotten desert like if there is an order PLZ!

    1. I am superkittygirl3 on aj btw if u wanna tell me in free_chat :3

  43. yes i love the adventure and i ALWAYS will sorry to say if people get mad about stuff coming back out over a game then its for the best they leave this game is for fun and about being fair so thats what they are doing o3o who cares if something is less rare or not just have fun EITHER way i love it and i hope it stays :v!

  44. hi everybody im girlsrockwithcute from animal jam if u like to role play on clans join mine i make river clan , shadow clan and wind clan i mostly do river clan come join today i am looking for a med cat and more i might even need a deputy

  45. i got alot of stuff from the forgotten desert like
    ,aviator hat,snoman mask,artic coat, jamaalidaybow, lots and lots of rares,3 zios masks, and den betas. :D

  46. oh yea, and buddt me on aj me use is Genevieve25222 :)

  47. Hai can anyone gift me some good stuff from the adventure.

    ~ audrey9890

  48. Oh btw my dream item is a pink headdress or a pink and purple headdress XD if anyone can do that for me I'm starting to get interested in making videos you can be on it I'll give you a shout out!
    Thx whoever can help meh!
    ~ audrey9890
    Ps: if you can't do a headdress than if any of you can gift me something beta I will do mail time and show who gifted me

    1. Pps: sorry its audrey9890 again I have a friend named audrey64930 she does videos too she did a music video and invited me to join her so if you want to see it just look up audrey64930 and look for an animal jam video and if it's ok can you gift something to her too she isn't beta like I am..

  49. I love the forgotten desert, today I got a cami's frog, art easal, and blue top hat! I quit making clan dens and transported them to my other accounts, bye jammers
    - Goodbye from the girl who is dreaming big, nashville here I come


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