
Sunday, 25 January 2015

Friendship day stuff + GIFs + Item Feature!

hai :3
two new items today. *gasp*
Let's start off with the one i found first. :P
dis item looks so cute and . . ermmm . .  i dunno. XD
But yayz, it's a very good item. :3
maybe one of the most friendship day items. i see so many jammers wearing these c:
But since there's two hearts, let me give you something to do.

1. imagine two hearts. (the ones in your chest)
2. Flip one the opposite direction
3. merge them together.

and then BOOOM
you get the heart symbol. :D (the ones on the headband)
rlly amaze
rlly rlly amaze

And the other item is a NEW one! I love new items. ^.^
I like the other windows better. i guess this is sort of cute. :3
But all the friendship stuff that comes out do not match my outfit or my decorations.
so i pretty much never use them. :c
Is it weird that the frames on the inside are shaped like a cross and look like bones?
is it just me. o.O
i think they got the cloud animation out of the round window. :P
They should do a "rain window" where it's raining outside. c:
dat would be great
Wait, imagine if the windows was shaped like an ACTUAL heart
I feel so weird and awkward now.
omg why did i even think of that >.<

Anyways, you know one thing we haven't had for a while?
Mainly because i couldn't find items to feature. XD
but yay i finally got one.
Today we have the BETA arctic hood. ^.^
Arctic Hood 
credit goes to the animal jam wiki
The arctic hood is a beta item that's wanted by many jammers. While it's not as wanted as spikes, these hoods are still very rare. The hood itself is furry and white, while the top ends in a curve. Hanging from the hood is a strange, curvy marking, which i believe is an eye decoration.
The BETA hood is not to be confused with the slightly different colored, NON-beta arctic hood!
Screen Shot 2014-07-19 at 9.47.02 AM 
Notice how it's more of a blue-gray. The BETA one has a bit of green added to the blue. Be careful not to get confused by this.

I never realized how much i missed doing these. XD
can you guess which item im gonna do next?
Also, i added even MORE new GIFs to the fun page. c: Click here to check the new GIFs out! 
That's all for now. :P


  1. I thought all arctic hoods were rare? I have a yellow one

    1. I think the yellow ones are still considered rare. im a bit of a noob at these sorts if things so there's a chance i might be wrong. :I

  2. I think the 2 heart items are returning ones, actually.
    I always mix up the 2 arctic hoods. >.<
    The cat hugging the pink toy is adorable! ^w^

  3. I have no words to say about dis yeah :P


  4. I love these items bc they look great on my bunny and I love putting them in my den I should make a valentines day den!

  5. I got a yellow arctic hood but I love it because it goes well on my bunny! :3

    OOOOOMYGAWD THOSE GIFS ARE SO KAWAIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!! aofjoiasnjioAfnoAIFN:jifjioajhjao9hsaigvpoajf809aqpcjk89a0sjf90afjaw0j89fapdsxobz-glob-z0sf

    *takes a deep breath*

    Ok I'm done freaking out...


  6. plz check out the animal jam "restaurant" i did it with cloudclaws -petz52luv

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