
Saturday, 25 January 2014

AJ Acedemy

Hey jammers! Today's members-only (*sob*) item is the Furry Hat!
Pretty cute, it looks adorable on bunnies. ^.^ 
But i think it kinda looks too square-ish...o-o  I wonder if AJHQ will make more winter items for nonmembers, im thinking a tail warmer would be nice. :3
Anyway, i discovered this site by AJHQ called the Animal Jam Academy, thanks so much RonenTheGamer for telling me! ^_^
Its a place where you can learn about animals, science, and much more. c:
There's even some coloring pages, activities, and some really cool experiments! :D 
You can go to the website by clicking the links on the bottom of the home page.
 Im not sure if its new though, i might have noticed before.
And lastly, here's a random drawing by me.
Im actually quite pleased with the way it turned out, what do you think i should improve though? :)
Happy jamming!


  1. 1) It's new. It's been released only for about two days now.

    2) I like the drawing. I think it turned out good.

  2. Replies
    1. i really like your drawing!


    2. Congratulations! *Gives a pet chihuahua that eats bubbles* =3

  3. I love that drawing! It is so cute! :3
    And, I love the new item! But it is member, of course... They haven't had an all-jammer item in weeks! =_=

    1. Yay! All-Jammer item is catching on rather than nonmember item!

  4. The Furry Hat is so cute! =D I haven't tried it on my bunny yet. I tried it on my fox, and it looks silly on it X3
    That's an awesome website! I even checked it out. You got an eagles eye on spotting dat, Ronen O3O. *Claps paws*
    That drawing looks sooooooo adorable! I love the way you drew the 2nd kitty in the box, peeking out with it's small wittle eyes =)! The drawer in the right corner (top) looks like CleverClaw's Dresser. Those are good colors you used! Did you use color pencils? I like your style of drawing, no offense but, improve the tail of the kitty on the bottom right corner? Everything looks juuuuust right! ^_^

    1. Thanks :) I try to get the best news around, and I apparently discovered the site by accident.

    2. I also discovered it by accident it was just a day i was playing aj when i was bored then i found the page so cool XD

  5. nice drawing its kinda blank like behind one of the kittens maybe add a bed
    anyway the aj academy is cool it have some really awesome stuff on it

  6. Well, it's not new. In 2012 my brother printed out coloring sheets from AJ Academy. And great drawing! All I can say is to make the horizon line a bit straighter.

    1. The website Animal Jam Academy is new. The coloring pages only had the logo. They've had the logo a long time before the site was actually released.

  7. Awesome drawing!

    And yeah, I've wanted tail warmers for a while now. Suggest to AJHQ, they might consider!

  8. I really like your drawing! So cute... A few suggestions of mine are: 1: Sketch Lines. sketch lines are very important to guide you when you draw the real lines. 2: Picture. I see you're kind of going for the anime eye look. Your eyes look good, but they would look even better with details. try looking up "manga eyes" on google images to give you some inspiration. 3: shading and shadows. One of the most important elements to a picture. Shading and shadowing will make your picture look more 3-d. Bonuses: Ink it. A drawing usually is more visible when inked.
    Most importantly, you have to keep at it and be persistent. I hope this might help you in the future with some of your drawings!


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