
Thursday, 27 February 2014

Clover Necklace

Hey jammers! :D
Today's new item is the Clover Necklace, sold in bahari bargins. ^.^
Im not the BIGGEST fan of this item, but i still think its quite nice. :3
It would have been better if the clover was a real clover with four leaves, then you could use it as a lucky charm! ^.^
But then, four-leaved clovers wouldn't be so special, eh? :P
Meanwhile..Sorry to say that we have some kinda bad news here..
You can't climb the tree at appondale now! :(
But there has got to be a reason, and i suspect it's something to do with eagles.
I used to love to sit there and just watch jammers passing by..
Speaking of eagles, here's today's weekly question! ^.^
What other new flying animals would you like to see in Jamaa?
I think an owl would be fantastic. ^.^
That's all for now, Happy Jamming! :)


  1. Yea, I was planning on sending an email to AJHQ about the tree. You also can't climb the mountain in Mt. Shiveer.

    1. Oh no!
      Username: tigersrule4106

    2. Yep! Plus there's one certain slide that I can't slide down on at Crystal Sands. How odd.

  2. really? u cant even SIT on the TREE?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!
    i am not happy with aj right now.


    1. I am sorry!
      Username: tigersrule4106

  3. Aww I liked sitting in that tree. :(
    and I'd like to see more animal options actually, like on a wolf you could switch it between a red wolf and a maned wolf and a grey wolf! that would be cool. :P

    1. Me, too!
      Username: tigersule4106

  4. Aww I liked sitting in that tree. :(
    and I'd like to see more animal options actually, like on a wolf you could switch it between a red wolf and a maned wolf and a grey wolf! that would be cool. :P

  5. That's a cute idea!
    A lucky charm necklace :3
    Brings cha good luck.

    It was awesome climbing on the tree, and getting a good view. A nature view.
    Since we can't climb it, AJHQ's acting like the tree was cut down.
    And why da mountain top?
    But I kind of am happy it's gone.
    People would sometimes grieve over there, when they're really upset.
    I hate seeing those "sad" and "crying" emotions. -.-
    It was pretty cool standing up there.

    I would like scissor-tail fly catches, or a griffin. >:3 Pure coolness.

  6. Cool blog, Cloud! :)
    I think it's likely that AJHQ will bring out owls as avatars, since owls are pets.


    1. I wonder if we'll get eagle pets =D
      Or lion pets,
      Cheetah pets,
      Seal pet,
      Penguin pet,
      Horse pet,
      And stuff!

  7. I would like to see a macaw with a nice beak and a nice big tail

  8. er me gersh that's so unfair! :*( i have a eagle and i wish that they were 1 for gems
    2 non member!


  9. I'd love to see a toucan! I love their big beaks. XD
    And they're so colorful too >3>
    Also, great background, I love those icicles ^.^


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