
Friday, 4 April 2014

Animals Of Jamaa: Foxes

The winner for the raffle was Rubbbuddy1! Congrats!
In case you don't know what this is, The Animals Of Jamaa posts will inform you about your favorite animals in Jamaa.
Im doing foxes today.
Foxes are a members-only animal, and are also the most popular member animal so far.
They where first seen in Jamaa on July 2012, when first brought, they are a reddish raspberry color with a white underbelly, and dark brownish-pink legs.
Many nonmembers wish for foxes to be for all jammers, However there's a nonmember fox glitch,  If you want to learn how, search it up on the web and there should be lots of results.
Their Shaman is currently Amelia: 
 Amelia's statue in the Mystery Emporium.
Not much is known about Amelia, but i like to imagine her being beautiful, clever, and energetic.
Here's a colored-in statue to show what she might have looked like.
 How Amelia might have looked like.
Fun Facts about Foxes!
 1. Foxes can run nearly 30 miles per hour!
2. Their hearing is very sensitive, they can even hear rodents running about underground.
3. Foxes are mainly nocturnal.
4. Foxes live 2 to 3 years, and up to 10 years or even longer in captivity.
5. Foxes usually play with their prey before killing it- just like cats.


  1. Cool! I love foxes, They so fluffeh.

  2. yay, i won da raffle :) Anyway, these facts make me a little sad.... if they live only 2-3 years, they have the same lifespan of a beta fish... (my fish is 3)

  3. yay, i won da raffle :) Anyway, these facts make me a little sad.... if they live only 2-3 years, they have the same lifespan of a beta fish... (my fish is 3)

  4. @Rubbuddy1,
    Don't be sad. They reach maturity at 10 months, so 3 years must be a lot for them.

  5. why did my comment get posted twice? XDD

  6. Congrats Rubbuddy!

    ^w^ My main animal is a fox. I love foxes! They're one of my top 10 fave animals.
    They're sly, clever, AWESOME! I was so excited when I first got my fox! Her name's Dancing Spiritfox. I wish I could change it, without changing what level she's on. I would describe Amelia the same things, and kind of a lover of fashion, ya know. :D

    1. NEVER KNEW THAT O.O. Pretty amazing!
    2. I've heard that about foxes. Some type of bat can hear a beetle walking on a leaf, I read it in my old National Geographic Magazine.
    3. Knew it :)
    4. I'm too lazy to search up facts about animals, unless I do a school project thingy. But that is good to hear they have long life. c:
    5. LOL, I LUV CATS!



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