Monday 20 January 2014

Rare Leg Armor

Hey jammers! I have decided that this blog will not be an update-only blog, on some days, i will post something else related to AJ, like a story or am article about something on AJ. i MIGHT also post some drawings by me or photos. ^.^ Meanwhile, today's fantastic rare is the Rare Leg Armor, sold in Jam-Mart-Clothing! C:
The colors go really good together, im guessing next week's rare will be the Leaf Necklace, colored exactly like this one. ^.^ 
You could make some pawsome outfits with this rare, it would go wonderfully with antlers. :)
The price is great compared to other RIM's if only it was nonmember though. *sob*
But in all, a good item. ^_^ 
Here's the Daily Explorer post of today!
A helpful post for the new jammers out there. ^-^
I hope tommorow's item will be nonmember though.
Happy jamming!


  1. 1st comment :D, and us should do 2 day update, a story or something. That would be a good pattern XD


  2. Replies
    1. aj is getting annoying . its not give nonmembers and thing sice he lame snowshuvel. :(

  3. Totally agreed Anom.


  4. ughhhh sometimes i really dont like aj if they want more jammer then make it more fun add more games lets all jammers get to play the adventers (all of them) make more items for all jammers ... -looks at paws- my best friend is qiuting... becouse theres almost none all jammer items i know they want more members... but maybe put more nonmember stuff in the dimond shop and put the mmgs (monthly member gifts) back and dimond every week for everyone more drawing compitions or just any compitions maybe new stores or nonmember new dens or new animals FOR ALLLLLLLLLLLLL JAMMERS! but idk just an idea

    1. no affence, but aj needs money. so by creating the dimond shop, jammers will buy cards 2 get more dimonds. but i dont like how MUCH the are unfair to nonmemeber (all new iteams are member !!!!! ) is sad. .i like the monthly gift better 2. but i understand why aj made the dimond shop . -CMO1st

    2. She's right! Ya know, if they don't do stuff like that then aj will close down!!


  5. I wish they had nonmember dens.............. And cooler nonmember items.


  6. I agree!!!!


  7. Who is Snowyclaw Cloudclaws? I wish I knew who she was. Can you awsnser me?


  8. -cries- I want to join the contest but I don't have a google acount!! -sobs-


    1. You could probably use some image-publishing program like Tinyurl and send her the link.

  9. I hope they come out with an all-jammer item soon! ^-^


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